2022 Fall Assembly Delegate Report

TN Area 52 Al-Anon Assembly
November 12-13, 2022

After I was voted in as Delegate, I told my Service Sponsor I seriously doubted I would be able to
serve as well as our past delegates. With a chuckle she said, “Just do the best you can, and it will
be enough. You cannot break Al-Anon.”

I am not asked to serve better than those around me or better those before me. I am asked to
commit to serving the best that I can. Serving as the Tennessee Area delegate is a rewarding
experience. I have learned so much about how Al-Anon works, and I find it fascinating!
I remain committed to our Tennessee Area and to Al-Anon as a whole.

Thank you for letting me serve,
Karla K

Full Delegate Report – Fall Assembly 2022.