AWSC Fall 2022

TN Area 52 Al-Anon AWSC Fall 2022 Voting at the 2022 World Service Conference. They were trying a new app that would allow the voting members to use their PCs or their phones to vote. The requirement to have computer skills became evident. Of course there was...

2022 Spring Assembly Delegate Report

TN Area 52 Al-Anon Assembly June 4-5, 2022 At the 62nd World Service Conference, the Global Electronic Area was admitted as the 68th Area. This has not happened since Alaska was admitted as a new Area in 1987, thirty-five years ago. There was no internet, no wireless...

2021 Fall Assembly Delegate Report

TN Area 52 Al-Anon Assembly November 6, 2021 It was very important for me to hear what each of you had to say during your GR reports today. I learned confusion remains about the Electronic Area and electronic meetings or groups. Since the goal is the have the...

2021 Spring Assembly Delegate Report

First International, Trilingual, Virtual World Service Conference There were General Service Office Representatives from Argentina, Australia, Peru, Ecuador, France, Germany, Italy, Paraguay, South Africa, Portugal, Spain, and the UK & Eire attending with two...

AWSC Spring 2021

TN Area 52 Al-Anon AWSC Feb 2021     As with all Delegates, the first AWSC report is quite short. I am taking advantage of that to let the AWSC members know what it is like as a new Delegate.   Read the full report...

2020 Spring Assembly Delegate Report

  Preparing for the World Service Conference The World Service Conference (WSC) is the annual business meeting of Al-Anon Family Groups. The Conference provides guidance to the WSO in service matters brought to its attention. The WSCis in Virginia Beachthis year,...