TN Area 52 Al-Anon Assembly
November 4-5, 2023
Serving as Delegate
My first WSC was electronic, and it was not easy to follow. We had a mammoth number of motions and most of the delegates were exhausted at the end.
The second WSC was in-person, and it was a dramatic difference. I got sick and could not go to Stepping Stones, but it was still inspiring.
The third WSC was so enjoyable and again, a valuable learning experience. I was able to make strong personal connections that will remain.
This is my last Assembly report. There have been no in-person Assemblies as a result of COVID-19. It created all kinds of havoc personally for all of us. For Irene F and I, we had the privilege and a crash course in Zoom. I struggled to understand the new paradigm for registering groups in light of the Global Electronic Area. Many were frustrated and angry, but we worked through it. We now welcome online meetings to our Area. We have in-person meetings which include hybrid meetings. Applaud yourselves for making such good improvements in our Area for the last three years.
I still have your cards, gifts, emails, and texts. They continue to give me encouragement and love and have meant so very much to me. I will always be grateful for your kindness, support, and love.
Karla K
Your grateful delegate.