Today, I Will Dance

I am powerless over having two adult children directly affected by alcoholism. I am powerless over the fear I have related to this disease. However, Al-Anon has taught me that I am not powerless over my responses to that fear or how I relate to my adult children.

“Just for Today,” I have been honest about my fear that one of my loved ones may harm himself. I talked with my Sponsor, who listened and validated my feelings. She reminded me that I can go into the past or I can go into the future, but if I do, I will be by myself, because God is only in the present. She reminded me to keep the focus on myself and suggested I use a God box, write my feelings and fears on slips of paper, and place them in this box. This is an action that can help me let go. Since doing this, I’ve not dwelled on those fears.

Another suggestion was to not nurture the fears and instead nurture myself. I nurture myself by doing something I love. I love to dance. Tonight, I will do that.

The last thing I do is to make a list of all that I am grateful for. At the top of my list will be Al-Anon!

By Barbara A., TX

Reprinted with permission of The Forum, Al Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc., Virginia Beach, VA.