My Train

My train headed nowhere at a very early age. Before Al-Anon, my endless overthinking and self-will would take me to undesirable destinations. In my new Al-Anon journey, I am learning to release those thoughts and not get on the train. I no longer wait on the platform in my mind to board the train of thoughts. My choices give me opportunities to seek different destinations.

By working the program step by step, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. My new destination is whatever road leads me to my Higher Power—a road well-traveled “One Day at a Time” because of Al-Anon. I am so grateful for my Sponsor’s experience, strength, and hope. With her support, I stopped going to the platform of my mind. With her help I direct my attention and recovery towards helping others. I look for service opportunities that use my experiences of recovery in Al-Anon. My train of thought is in recovery now and travels on a different track. Thanks to Al-Anon, I’m traveling in a beautiful direction.
By Jane C., Massachusetts


Reprinted with permission of The Forum, Al Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc., Virginia Beach, VA.