by Your TN Delegate | Jun 3, 2021 | Delegate News
First International, Trilingual, Virtual World Service Conference There were General Service Office Representatives from Argentina, Australia, Peru, Ecuador, France, Germany, Italy, Paraguay, South Africa, Portugal, Spain, and the UK & Eire attending with two...
by Your TN Delegate | Mar 10, 2021 | Delegate News
TN Area 52 Al-Anon AWSC Feb 2021 As with all Delegates, the first AWSC report is quite short. I am taking advantage of that to let the AWSC members know what it is like as a new Delegate. Read the full report...
by Your TN Delegate | Feb 11, 2020 | Delegate News
Preparing for the World Service Conference The World Service Conference (WSC) is the annual business meeting of Al-Anon Family Groups. The Conference provides guidance to the WSO in service matters brought to its attention. The WSCis in Virginia Beachthis year,...
by Your TN Delegate | Sep 5, 2019 | Delegate News
New Feature on WSO’s Website There is a new blog for members to share their experience, strength, and hope on a variety of topics. For the first topic, members were asked to share their favorite Al-Anon spiritual principle and why. New topics will...
by Your TN Delegate | Jun 5, 2019 | Delegate News
The 2019 World Service Conference was truly a spiritual experience. It was amazing to see our spiritual principles in action. The Conference theme this year was: Action is Attraction: There is no growth in the comfort zone. Read the full report...