I used to think, how am I possibly going to “unlearn” all these bad habits? In hindsight, I realize that I didn’t have to unlearn anything but had to re-learn how to listen and accept myself as I am. As with everything in Al Anon and Alateen, I cannot do this alone and it’s not enough to just go to meetings.
Not everything can be shared in the Al-Anon meeting; this is why I need a Sponsor. I need a true confidante. I found a Sponsor by listening to what was being shared in the meetings and through fellowship after meetings. Another person’s words matched my experience; they drew me to ask this fellow Al-Anon member to be my Sponsor. I identified with so much of what this person said. I knew that working the Steps with this member would only benefit me. It takes time to understand this program. My Sponsor helps me to understand me!
Sue P., Associate Director—Group Services
Helpful pamphlets and readings on Sponsorship
B-32 How Al-Anon Works * book pages 36-38
P-31 pamphlet “Sponsorship, What’s It All About”
M-78 bookmark “Sponsorship-Working Together To Recover”
P-24/27 Al-Anon Service Manual 2018-2021–
Personal, Alateen & Service sponsorship pgs 47-48