Investing in Our Alateen Legacy

As someone who is passionate about Alateen service and sponsors an Alateen group, I ask myself how I can get the Alateens involved in this process. It is so easy to think the Alateens have no skin in the game. After all, as the adult, all the responsibility is on me to become certified as an Al-Anon Member Involved in Alateen Service (AMIAS). Doesn’t that sound like old thinking? Didn’t I think that way when the alcoholic was still drinking—that it was all on me? What can I do differently? And what happens to Alateen if I don’t certify to continue to be of service? What happens to me if I don’t participate in service? That image of the three-legged stool—which requires recovery, unity, and service to be stable—becomes very vivid!

I often hear it said that Alateen is Al-Anon and Al-Anon is Alateen. I need to make a conscious effort to share that message with the Alateens in the group I support. When I participated in an Area Alateen Recertification a couple of years back, we had the training in person and decided to show how an Alateen meeting was conducted. Teens were willing to give up part of their Saturday to participate and got to witness some of the information shared in the training before doing the mock Alateen meeting. Everyone’s response was the same: “Wow! I had no idea!”

Now that the 2025 recertification window is open, there is an opportunity to engage the Alateens. They can be part of the training so that Al-Anon members will continue to step into service and better understand the important role we have in supporting Alateen groups. The best way to share responsibility is to share responsibility—in other words, just do it! What can Alateens do to help in the recertification process? What can current certified AMIAS do to encourage Al-Anon members to become certified? Can the Districts or Al-Anon Information Services assist or share the announcements when the recertification window is open?

Let’s talk to each other and share ideas. Many of us are concerned with revitalizing Alateen and are trying different things to attract teens to meetings. Sharing the gift of hope is priceless. We all share the responsibility of ensuring that Alateen continues to be here for any teenaged person (or younger) affected by someone else’s drinking. Here’s looking forward to a successful 2025 Alateen Recertification!

Thanks for all you do for Alateen!

By Sue P., Associate Director—Group Services

Reprinted with permission of Al Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc., Virginia Beach, VA.