TN Area 52 Al-Anon Assembly
November 6, 2021
It was very important for me to hear what each of you had to say during your GR reports today. I learned confusion remains about the Electronic Area and electronic meetings or groups. Since the goal is the have the Electronic Area become officially part of our World Service Conference with voice and vote, I am sure this will be part of our discussions at the World Service Conference in April next year.
Growing pains have that name for a reason. Listening to many of you discuss concerns about differences in your meetings as electronic or face-to-face, I saw a lot of concern and bewilderment. I will post this on the Delegates AFG Connects (for discussion among Delegates) to see what I can learn from the other Areas.
Today, I have learned as I hear additional information, I need to pass it on to your District Representatives when I hear it.
I await hearing from your DRs about your thoughts and concerns for me to turn in for Chosen Agenda Items from the Tennessee Area.
Thank you all for your dedicated and enthusiastic service.